The interent, was first the domain for adults. However, now children of all ages have easy access to the web. The web is an enormous domain for children to get their hands on any type of information. Including access to pornography, sexual predators in chat rooms, violence and racism and other offesensive things. And although many web pages have been created to gear towards children of all ages internet filters are useful to block out anything harmful. An Internet filter is a software that a parent can upload to protect their children online. Internet filters come in two categories, a software that parents can upload onto their computer to block out certain web pages and online activity. And other programs that can be activated through the internet provider to filter websites for your computer to block out certain sites.
Internet filters work by scanning sites to block out those using certain words, it blocks out sites that contain sexual, violent and racist content. And lastly, internet filters can limit a child's search to a pre-set list of websites they are able to visit.
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