Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to use Google searching effectively?

To use Google search effectively, you much narrow your search down to something specific. The search engine will use steaming words meaning that words that are variations to your search will also appear in the results. Thus, using very specific keywords will benefit your search. Knowing how to effectively search in Google will benefit your searching methods by giving you usable results to your search. Once you have usable results your sources, and you will become more credible.

Some hints are using punctuation to limit your results. In addition to narrowing your search down to more specific words you can use quotes around your search to limit the results to results only for those words. For example if you are searching horse riding results for just horses and riding will come up. However if you limit the search to "horse riding" the results will be just about horse riding and not horses and riding separately. Lastly, if you use minus signs you can yield your results. For instance while searching horse you may not need to know about their breeding habits so you can search "horses -breeding" and results involving a horses breeding techniques will not come up.

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