Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to use Google searching effectively?

To use Google search effectively, you much narrow your search down to something specific. The search engine will use steaming words meaning that words that are variations to your search will also appear in the results. Thus, using very specific keywords will benefit your search. Knowing how to effectively search in Google will benefit your searching methods by giving you usable results to your search. Once you have usable results your sources, and you will become more credible.

Some hints are using punctuation to limit your results. In addition to narrowing your search down to more specific words you can use quotes around your search to limit the results to results only for those words. For example if you are searching horse riding results for just horses and riding will come up. However if you limit the search to "horse riding" the results will be just about horse riding and not horses and riding separately. Lastly, if you use minus signs you can yield your results. For instance while searching horse you may not need to know about their breeding habits so you can search "horses -breeding" and results involving a horses breeding techniques will not come up.

Wireless Networkig Precautions

When accessing public wireless Internet you must take certain precautions so your computer is safe. First, make sure you do not delete your home WEP and put up your firewall. By turning on your firewall you will not connect automatically to any network thus protecting your computer. Additionally, when accessing public wireless Internet do not access accounts such as banking, and other important accounts as that information will become viewable to all users accessing the same network.

Lastly, make sure when using email you are using a secure email so your passwords and privacy are protected. If the email is secure the wireless network you are using will have no affect on your email as it is a secure site. To tell whether a site is secure the protocol will be https:// rather than just http://.

Strong Passwords

Passwords are keys you use to access personal information that is stored online or on your computer. If your password gets in the wrong hands if can be used to access your banking, commit credit card fraud and even identity theft. However, it is easy to create a strong password were a predator would be unable to identify and access your stored information.

A strong password is a password that seems to be a random string of characters. To have a strong password, it should be lengthy, a combination of letters and numbers and symbols to make it hard to access. The longer the password is the more protection you have on your accounts. In addition, if the system allows for the use of a space bar in a password take advantage of the use of phrases as they are harder to access which would increase your online protection.

Internet Parental Control Software

Computers are common in schools, libraries and homes and have become a widely used mechanism for education. The Internet has a lot o great information to educate children and people of all ages, however some of it's contents are questionable and maybe inappropriate, especially for children. The use of the web not can pose a threat to children and student thus, it needs to be controlled. The wide range of inappropriate content on the web is easily accessible to children therefore, parental control software's must me used.

A parental control software is just like an Internet filter, or a monitoring software. It is a software that is uploaded by parents to control the Internet use of children. It can filter, block and track the Internet use limiting the accessibility of all web pages to children. This will ultimately protect children from viewing inappropriate content on the Internet.

Internet Monitoring, Blocking and Tracking

Internet monitoring, blocking and tracking is a way for people to record the use of their Internet. By doing do parents can monitor, block and track sites that their children visit. Internet monitoring is when parents physically monitor their child's Internet use by limiting their amount of time on the web, watching them while using the web and blocking out certain web pages using specific key words that can be harmful to the child. Internet blocking is when their is a physical block on web pages due to their content. These web pages can be found using specific key words or websites, for instance, ones that contain sexual, violent or racist content in their search key words of titles.

In addition, Internet tracking is when the use of the Internet is track and saved so at a later time the web pages visited can be seen. One way is to track Instant messages, and later on all the conversations can be revisited and read because they were saved on the computer using a tracking software. There are many types of software's for parents to upload to monitor, block and track Internet use to protect their children, homes and privacy on the Internet.

Internet Filters

The interent, was first the domain for adults. However, now children of all ages have easy access to the web. The web is an enormous domain for children to get their hands on any type of information. Including access to pornography, sexual predators in chat rooms, violence and racism and other offesensive things. And although many web pages have been created to gear towards children of all ages internet filters are useful to block out anything harmful. An Internet filter is a software that a parent can upload to protect their children online. Internet filters come in two categories, a software that parents can upload onto their computer to block out certain web pages and online activity. And other programs that can be activated through the internet provider to filter websites for your computer to block out certain sites.

Internet filters work by scanning sites to block out those using certain words, it blocks out sites that contain sexual, violent and racist content. And lastly, internet filters can limit a child's search to a pre-set list of websites they are able to visit.

Internet Parental Guidance

Internet parental guidance is a Internet filtering software that responsible parents use to protect their children from predators on the Internet. Parents need to monitor their childrens' Internet time while also screening what their children are doing online to limit pornography and other objectionable websites and material coming into their home.

By doing so, parents can safeguard their computers and protect their computers. The content of their computers will be private as well as filtered so children can be protected online. Many websites are unrestricted and not safeguarded which allows predators to access the sites. This would not be a problem if children were not accessing the same websites. Thus, responsible parents use Internet parental guidance to monitor their childrens' Internet use while also safeguarding their privacy, home and protecting their children.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

CSAM homework-3

The Department of Computer Science offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Computer Science.
On the undergraduate level, we offer a major and a minor in Computer Science. Beyond the basic Computer Science major, concentrations in Professional Computing and Informatics are available. A new major in Information Technology was recently approved. These degrees lead to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree.

Monday, May 18, 2009